I’ve been sharing free digital calendars on Instagram since January 2019. For obvious reasons, 2020’s January mantra calendar, “This is my year” did not age well.
What started out as a poor choice of words for the unprecedented year ahead has taken new forms as an annual desk calendar, featuring 12 original prints and 100% recyclable materials. Turning lemons into lemonade, there's always money in the banana stand, etc.
This Is My Year is a physical and digital annual calendar. It's cuter than the Apple widget, and coordinating tech screensavers totally indicate that you're a person with your shit together. Even if you're a Pisces with boundaries like Swiss cheese. So, what are you waiting for? Get your shit together!
Sorry, was that too much?
Please don't leave. Here, take a screensaver.
There's more where that came from.
is an independent artist, a wife, a mother, a crazy cat lady, and a Rupaul's Drag Race fanatic. She lives in Lexington, Kentucky, working remotely with brands and engaged lovebirds across the country. Want to work together? Reach out here.